Pem Apsarawo Mal Sala Sina Se Chords
Milton Perera
Last Played 25/03/2025 14:09
Play Count 6752 Contributor: Sampath Galagedara
Play Count 6752 Contributor: Sampath Galagedara
View +11 more Milton Perera Chords
Chord Diagrams for 'Pem Apsarawo Mal Sala Sina Se' song:
[Intro] ------------------------ G - Bb G Bb G/C/D/G [Chorus] ------------------------ G C G pem apsarawo mal sala sinawe C D7 G adare sithare gum nagawi jeewee hoo ho ho pem apsarawo....// [] ------------------------ G Bm D G - Am D7 G [Verse 1] ------------------------ G ran tharu nidan keru dase mam C Am G kalbala nisal suwen wasa wem.// G Am rathee ragana nithaba salana G C G soduru piyaba ran kirilla pem apsarawo......... [Chorus] ------------------------ G sathsare hadin piree wadan obe C Am G math kere sawan mage rasin ibe..... ho ho ho....// G Am mahada arana suwada karana G C G sulaga ragena hanika enna
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Pem Apsarawo Mal Sala Sina Se Lyrics:

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